Export Definition
The Export Definition Screen is where you specify general information about the export file, including the type of file it is, where it should be stored, and how the data items are sorted. Internet settings, calculation messages and whether a Word Merge should be run as part of the export are also controlled here.

The Export Row (i.e., Export Provision) screen provides the detailed layout for a row of data in the export file. For files with more than one layout, the user should set up multiple Export Rows/Provisions. Generally speaking, this is uncommon and there is usually only one.
Screen Items
  • Basic Tab: used to enter basic information regarding the export file such as file type and sort parameters.
    • Basic Information:
      • Description: enter a brief description of the Export Definition.
      • Export Type: select what type of information is being exported. Choose from Benefit Calculation, Benefit Statement, Valuation Data, Schedule SSA, Other, or Informational. Note that if an export is indicated as "Informational" here and is also included as a portal export, the Internet Controller will not apply plan vesting or retirement rules to determine whether the participant can receive export results.
      • File Type: select the format of the file to be exported from the choices below.
        • Comma Delimited: indicates that the data fields contained in the export file should each be separated by commas.
        • Space Delimited: indicates that data fields in the export should each be found in the same file location, where spaces are used to ensure proper alignment. Space delimited files have a fixed number of characters for each row with each data element residing in the same range of columns. For example, SSN for a Person may exist in columns 1-9, Last Name might be located in spaces 10-20, etc.
      • Default Assumption Definition: choose the default assumption set to be used when generating the export file. Select from the Assumption Definitions listed in the drop down box labeled Default.
      • Treat Calculation Date as final employment date: select this option to have DBP temporarily create a termination date as of the export date during the export process. You may want to do this for calculated plan items that require that an actual termination date exists in order to be properly determined or displayed.

        This temporary DOT will not impact calculations for items that are calculated by formula derived items in the Messages tab of the export definition, as to avoid invalidating some setups. If an item that was calculated by the Messages tab also is calculated by an item in the export columns, it will be re-calculated with the temporary DOT intact.
      • Unique Row Identifier: area to specify whether multiple formats of data are to be exported and, if so, the column or columns that uniquely identify rows as having different formats. This feature is rarely used.
      • Archive Default Person Portal Access: check this box if you want participants to have portal access to exported documents upon archive creation through export.
      • Archive Default Sponsor Portal Access: check this box if you want sponsor contacts to have portal access to exported documents upon archive creation through export.
      • Archive Type: select the type of document archive that should be created on export.
    • Data Sorting: space to indicate the sort order for the data to be exported (if any). Select the first field for sorting in the Sort By box. Next use the Then By boxes for additional fields. Data may be sorted using up to four sort keys. For each field, indicate whether the sort order should be Ascending or Descending by selecting the applicable button. For Reported Amount sorting, indicate whether sorting should be done based upon the amount or additional identifier (of the latest amount as of the calculation date).

      Check the box Export multiple rows if duplicate amounts to generate a separate row for each amount when there are duplicates in the chosen sorting field.

      Consider an example of a file with multiple row types. In this case, the first column in the file is the Row Identifier which is used to identify different rows of data, each having a different format. An “A" in this column indicates that the row contains address information, while an “E” means the row contains earnings information. Each type of row ("A", "E") has its own layout with different data fields displayed in the file. If multiple formats are to be exported, a separate Export Row (i.e., Export Provision) will need to be created to provide the specifics of each export layout. If all items are being exported in a single format (most common), then only one Export Provision should be set up. Check the box Export File has Multiple Row Types (rare) to export using multiple layouts. Enter column number in the Starting and Ending Column boxes for space delimited export files to specify the starting and ending column of the Row Identifier. For export files that are comma delimited, enter the column number of the Row Identifier in the box labeled Starting.

  • File Tab: used to specify the location where the export file will be saved, as well as identify the Word Merge document if the export involves a Word Merge. Also, you can define any filter to apply to the data during export here.
    • Filter Formula: space to provide a formula such that only individuals that meet criteria as spelled out in this formula will have data exported.
    • Results File Location:
      • Export File: enter the complete file path and name for saving the export file.

        For convenience, select the blue Find button to browse and navigate to the directory in which you wish to save the file. Once there, select "Save" and the file name and path will automatically be copied into this box for use.
      • Word Merge File: if a Word Merge is to be executed as part of the export, identify the complete file path and name for the Word Merge document here.

        For convenience, select the blue Find button to browse and navigate to the Word Merge document itself. Once located, select "Save" and the file name and path will automatically be copied into this box for use.
      • Execute the following macro upon execution of the Word merge: if a Word Merge is part of the export and you wish to have a macro run upon execution of the Word Merge, enter the name of the macro here.
    • Include header in exported file: check this box to include a header in the first row of the export file that contains the field names of each column being exported.
  • Internet Tab: controls whether this export is included on the web portal, as well as which optional inputs (if any) are displayed.
    • Participant Internet Export: select this box if this export is to be available to Participants on the web.
    • Sponsor Internet Export: select this box if this export is to be available to Sponsor Contacts on the web.
    • Administrator Internet Export: select this box if this export is to be available to Administrators on the web.
    • Display Name: enter the name to display for this export on the web.
    • Display Index: enter the order (1 being the first) in which you would like to display this export. If left equal to 0, the export will display before any exports with a non-zero index.
    • Hide for participant logins if Filter Formula requirements not met: check this box if you would like to remove the export entirely from the portal screen for participants and sponsor contacts if the filter formula is not blank and the participant does not meet the requirements.
    • Calculation Dates: choose to display or hide various date types, and what they should be set equal to.
    • Other Options:
      • Display beneficiary date of birth: select this box to include an area to enter beneficiary date of birth. Further, check Display beneficiary type if you also wish to include an area to specify the particular type of beneficiary (e.g., spouse, child, other, etc.).
      • Display DC Items: select this box to include the standard Defined Contribution Plan related inputs. To also include a space for entering Opening DC Balance, check Request Opening DC Balance as well.
      • Display Salary Projection Rate: check this box to provide a space for users to enter an assumed salary increase rate when running this export on the web. Also enter the maximum permissible salary increase in the box labeled Maximum Rate.

        Please note that this will override assumptions for any reported amounts that have an amount type of Earnings or Rate of Pay. To avoid overriding assumptions for a specific reported amount, change the amount type of that reported amount to Miscellaneous Amount.
      • Project employee contributions at same rate as salary projections: check this box to apply the same salary projection rate to employee contributions as well.
      • Display as Generated Document: displays on the Internet Portal in document form.
      • Display beneficiary type: check this box to show the type of beneficiary on the portal when exporting.
      • Request Opening DC Balance: allows portal users to request their contribution balance.
      • Store calculation results: use this drop down box to select when the results of calculations run on the portal are stored as an Archived Document in the person's record. The portal access of the archive created will be driven by the inputs on the Basic tab of the export defintion.
        • Never
        • Always: Exports will be stored as an archive to the person's record without a checkbox appearing on screen.
        • User Choice (all): A checkbox option to store the export as an archive to the person's record will appear on the Calculation screen for all portal user types.
        • Choice (participants only): A checkbox option to store the export as an archive to the person's record will appear on the Calculation screen for participants only. For administrators and sponsor contacts, the system will not store the export to the person's record directly.
        • Choice (sponsor only): A checkbox option to store the export as an archive to the person's record will appear on the Calculation screen for administrators and sponsor contacts only. For participants, the system will not store the export to the person's record directly.
      • Prohibit payment start dates other than first of the month: if this box is checked, portal users can only set the payment start date to the first of some month.
    • Display: click the Display button to choose which User Defined Rates and Values to Hide, and to set wording overrides for the portal.
  • Messages Tab: used to define the messages that apply when running an export.

    Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or delete message entries, respectively. Once a new message has been added, double click on its row to access the Export Message Item screen and input the following fields.
    • Formula Derived Item: select the Formula Derived Item that is used to define the message.
    • Message Type: choose the type of message from the following options.
      • Critical Error: stops the export so that it does not continue.
      • Warning: a message pops up with a warning label. The export still continues once the warning is acknowledged.
      • Information: a message pops up with an informational label. The export still continues once the message is acknowledged.
    • Display: check one or both of the following boxes to specify when the message should be displayed.
      • Internet Calculations: select this box if this message should be displayed when running calculations on the web.
      • Person Exports: select this box if it should be displayed when running person exports within the system.
    • Messages: use this area to define the actual message. In general, you enter the text to be displayed when the Formula Derived Item selected above has a specified value.

      Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or delete message entries, respectively. Once a new message has been added, double click on its row to access an additional screen where you input the Value of the Formula Derived Item and corresponding Message Text. You can also use the Portal Display Time Override to control how long a message is displayed on the portal.

      Often, the Formula Derived Item is an indicator equal to either 0 or 1. The Formula Derived Item itself will be defined so that it contains a value of 1 when the message should apply, and 0 when it should not.

      Variable Message Text Components

      • <ACD>: Annuity Commencement Date specified when the calculation or export was run.
      • <CADOB>: Primary Contingent Annuitant (beneficiary) Date of Birth.
      • <CALCDATE>: Internal system calculation date.
      • <CSD>: Participant Credited Service Date.
      • <DOB>: Participant Date of Birth.
      • <DOD>: Participant Date of Death.
      • <DOH>: Participant Date of Hire.
      • <DOP>: Participant Date of Participation.
      • <DOT>: Participant Date of Termination.
      • <EECPDATE>: Account Determination Date specified when the export was run.
      • <NameFirst>: Displays the participant's first name.
      • <NameMiddle>: Displays the participant's middle name.
      • <NameLast>: Displays the participant's last name.
      • <NameFull>: Displays the participant's full name (First Middle Last).
      • <SBCODATE>: Small Benefit Cashout Date specified when the export was run.
      • <SponsorName>: Name of the plan sponsor.
      • <Salut>: displays "Mr." or "Mrs./Ms." depending upon participant gender and marital status.
      • <VSD>: Participant Vesting Service Date.
  • Bookmarks Tab: allows users to insert bookmarks in to the associated Word document for an Export Definition that then include standard output such as tables that show service or account detail.

    Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or delete bookmarks, respectively. Once a new bookmark has been added, double click on its row to access the Export Bookmark Item screen for entering the following fields.

    Please note that bookmark output will only appear on output for individual calculations and not for calculations run in batches (on a plan level).
    • Bookmark: space to provide the name of the Bookmark in the Word document where the output should be written. If a Word document has been specified for this Export Definition, you can press the Choose button here to select from the list of Bookmarks already created in that Word document.
    • Bookmark Type: choose the type of output to be included at the document bookmark. Currently, Table is the only choice here.
    • Item Type: choose the type of detail that is to be written. Currently, the following choices are available:
      • Account Definition: includes detail for an Account Definition calculation as of the specified Account Determination Date. The Export Provisions must include at least one row for the chosen Account Definition in order for output to be written.
      • Service Definition: includes all detail for the chosen Service Definition as of the calculation date. The Export Provisions must include at least one row for the chosen Service Definition in order for output to be written.
      • Late Retirement: shows the year-by-year accumulation of benefit after Normal Retirement Date. This will only appear for late retirement calculations and only if the definition's Export Provisions include at least one reference to a Benefit Payment Set.
      • Historical Date Detail: includes detail for a Historical Date.The Export Provisions must include at least one row for the chosen Historical Date in order for output to be written.
      • Reported Amount Detail: includes detail for a Reported Amount.The Export Provisions must include at least one row for the chosen Reported Amount in order for output to be written.
    • Definition Name: choose the definition that you want detail to be written.
    • Bookmark Display: use this area to indicate whether the Bookmark output should always be written or whether it should only be displayed under certain circumstances.

      When output is conditional, create a Formula Derived Item that returns a value (1 for example) when output is to be written and then enter that value here.
    • Format Type: choose from the following format options:
      • No gridlines: displayes a table with no lines.
      • Simple: displays a table with thin single lines (both horizontal and vertical).
    • Table Header: space to provide a table header (optional). This header will then appear as the table's top row with a slightly larger and bolded font.
    • Table Formatting: choose to display a description row (a row that includes a header for each detail included in the table), to include totals rows for certain details, to display dates as years, and/or to hide rows with all zero values.
    • Items to Display: area to choose which details are to be displayed.
    • Custom Inserted Columns: use this area to insert columns (determined by Formula Derived Items) into one of the standard tables.
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